Almost adoption day
The puppies have all gotten to meet their new families. There were kisses, snuggles, and so much love in their introduction visits. We were excited to get to meet everyone in person and watch them interact with their new babies! After a couple hours of playtime and excited face-licking, the pups collapsed in a heap in their puppy crate, and we didn’t hear a peep out of them until dinner time.
Now we are busily doing all the final preparation and socialization they need to go to their adoptive families. Litter box training is coming along, and for the most part, the pups are pretty reliable with finding and using the litter box. In fact, when we had 2 families (complete with young children), 5 puppies, Bleuet and Violette all playing together during a family visit session, we only had 2 piddle puddles in the whole two hours! The pups were so good about stopping what they were doing to go use their litter. I’m so proud of them! We are also doing occasional visits to the dog run on the nicer days to get them acquainted to using an outdoor potty area. So far, so good….
The pups are working on their crate training. They sleep together in puppy crates with an adjacent litter box, then spend the workday in their larger puppy pen. We are not hearing nearly as much protesting during their solo crate sessions, though they definitely would rather be participating in the playground fun when it is their turn for quiet time.
We give them a bit of “house time” every day, where we gate off the main room and kitchen to get the pups used to running in a bigger area and learn about watching for being underfoot. That being said, we do a LOT of tripping over puppies as they dash between our feet and vie for attention. They love playing hide and seek between the large “furniture crate” and the couch. It is the perfect size for one little puppy to squeeze in and lie in wait until their littermate comes by, then POUNCE! These guys keep us highly entertained with their antics.
They are getting used to harnesses, and we have introduced leashes. Currently, the puppies primarily drag their leash for 20-30 minutes, just to orient them with the feel and visual of having a trailing tether. We will start working on walking with a leash this coming week. The pups have all learned to sit for a treat, and usually come when we call, “Puppies!”
Yesterday, the litter had a big adventure. In my haste to get to work on time (and the kids to the bus), I put the puppies in their pen, closed the gate, but forgot to latch it! When we came home that afternoon we were greeted by five very excited and happy puppies who had enjoyed a magnificent free run of the whole main floor all day. Unfortunately, when they nosed their way out of their pen, the gate swung shut behind them, leaving them separated from their litter boxes. Fortunately, all the “redecorating” could be cleaned up, and aside from needing a good grunge clean, we had no damage from chewing or anything broken. Whew!!!
So, one more week until the pups go home. We are excited for them and their families, but also dreading the day that we have to say “see you later” to these amazing, funny, lovable, little snuggle bugs.